Friday, April 20, 2007

Taper Week

Nothing too exciting. Ran a little, swam a little. Team dinner ("sendoff") was tonight. Leaving for Vegas tomorrow morning. I can't believe it.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


a wise man once said the human spirit can over come any obstacle
that man had obviously never run a triathlon

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Officially a TRI-athlete (almost?)

Did a first mini-tri today led by the TNT mentors at "Mom's Beach" in the LBC. It's the first time I've done all three sports together (and after much discussion later today decided that playing a game of volleyball, a game of basketball, and golfing in the same day does NOT count). We had a registration time, numbers, a transition area, photographer, the works!

We did a 400 m open water swim, a 6 mile bike ride and two 2 mile run loops. Took me about 71 mins, and all of it felt pretty good. The first 2 miles of the run were really tough--I just felt like I was going slowly despite my best efforts. That's how it's been feeling most of the time jumping off the bike into a run though. INto the water was a piece of cake (cake that tasted disgusting by the way sea water + mint gum = gross), and out was easier than expected slipping off the ol' wetsuit. Bike ride felt good, though a little cold with the ocean breeze drying off the water. and yeah, then the run. I was able to get the last 2 miles I think around 8 mins each, but definitely NOT the first 2.

1 week until the real thing. I can't believe it.

Last Week of Training

Monday: Swim @ Belmont pool in LBC. 3000 meters. Had 10x100 hard. Can't beat Coach Jeff.

Tuesday: 8 mile run in Hermosa. Did the Nike Club run in the 8 minute group for 5 miles, circled back to meet up with teammate/mentor Mike in the later group, then tacked on a few more mile at the end. Tried to keep it light after running <8 for the first 3 miles. --after the race I want to get in on that 7 min/mile group...they are fast!!

Wednesday: Night off. Exhausted as usual. Monday was supposed to be a day off.

Thursday: Swim practice. 10x100, 5x200, then I forget, there was more. Got smoked by the two fastest swimmers on the team, but at least they didn't lap me!! (moved out of the "beginner's" lane for this one....oh yeah...)

Friday: Day off. Didn't ride my bike yet this week, Malik is lonely! Signed up for a May 5 10k in Santa Monica.

Monday, April 9, 2007

3 hours...gone!

Big Workout Sunday:
3 hours in Huntington Beach. 2 hour bike ride followed by a 1 hour run. For the ride we had a flat trek along the beach (slow to avoid pedestrians) and then hit it hard 10 miles out and back (20 mph on the way there, down to 17/18 on the way back--headwind) and back up to our "transition" location. "Transition time" was longer than ordinary to allow for cramming of my bike into the back seat of the Celica. I don't need to get my back stolen 2 weeks before the race!! Made the run in exactly an hour (32 out, 28 back). It seems the second half of the run gets a bit easier. It takes that long to get the legs used to not moving in circles anymore. It was maybe 7 miles, but probably just's hard to run fast when you've been working out for so long!

Saturday was a 4 mile team run. We stayed all together which was fun (and slow) but allowed our coach to share some of his war stories from past Tri's and try to assuage any fears we first-timers had about the race. My #1 fear now is how to look good for the pics! ;) He said no chance of looking good on the bike....damn. I'm hoping a pained smile on the run might work out for me.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

The Week in Review

It seems all people can talk about these days is my triathlon....not that I mind cause hey, what do I like to talk about better than myself?!? and mostly I find other people's lives boring in comparison to mine....

Tuesday I fell asleep after work (I'm blaming recovery for the weekend workouts) and didn't get to work out

Wednesday: had time for ~5 miles in the morning, and then a 25 mile PV loop bike ride after work.

Thursday: Pool workout. Did 3 sets of 2 hard 200s + 2 hard 50s that were timed (1500 m total)...I forget what the time was, but it seems every time I got back to the wall it was time to go again. Writing it down makes it seem not as hard as it was.... but it was hard!! I drank at least 3 gallons of pool water during the course of it too.

Friday: Got in the 7 mile run I was supposed to do Tuesday. Made it 8 miles just to be extra good, took me 66 mins (that's 8:15 mins/mile). grrr....wish I could keep the longer ones at 8 flat too. my knee is still getting sore. still annoying.

oh, I installed my new bike computer this week! Now I can see my world landspeed record breaking speed after all my rides. It'll be good too for working on my cadence. Too bad I didn't have this a few months ago...dunh dun-dunhhhh

Countdown to Rage = 16 days!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


2500 m (with 2 hard 200s and a hard 400)

my knee is sore. annoying.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Weekend Update

Saturday: Triple Brick in Redondo--6 mile ride (which started with a nasty little hill), then a 2 mile run at the beach...3 times! It was a tough workout, but felt good. I wish my runs had been faster (~18-19mins), but I'll blame it on the obstacles we had to avoid on the strand...people walking with dogs, rollerskaters, leisurely strollers oblivious to the rest of the people around them.

Sunday: My longest/hardest ride ever. ~50 miles through the hills of PV. Did the "dreaded" switchbacks, rode down to the bottom, turned around and did it backwards. It was a tough ride but fun to go with the guys who are training for the Wildflower Long Course (a half Iron-man--yes, they're crazy!!) It was about twice what was on my training schedule (shhh...don't tell Coach). I had to pass on volleyball that afternoon to save up energy for the open-water team swim at "Mom's Beach" in Long Beach. I only did a little more than a half mile swim but it was plenty for me. One of the girls on our team was able to swim her farthest yet! Everyone is so proud of her because she has been conquering her fear of swimming right in front of our eyes...all for the sake of her triathlon commitment. The coaches and mentors have been so supportive it's been great to see...especially now that she is kicking @$$! It's moments like these that show you what Team in Training is all about...

Don't forget! $$$$$$ We're nearing the end.... $$$$$$

Friday, March 30, 2007

It's Friday, I'm

SO tired!

The swim on Monday seemed so far
Tuesday, Wednesday ran so hard
Thursday didn't even stop,
It's Friday.... I'm so tired.

Saturday's the same
and Sunday even if it rains
but Friday---I need to rest.

(to the tune of Friday I'm in Love" as sung by the Cure)
(the last line doesn't actually work)

Last night: Did 500m +10x100m at 2 mins + 400m at the pool.
Wednesday: 27 mile bike ride + 15 minute run

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Running Buddy

is so necessary. Particularly one who's really good! We did about 6 (5.82) miles tonight in 47.5 mins. Not sure where we cut the 10k route short (by about .32 miles), and it certainly wasn't intentional. I'll make sure to tack that much on to the next one :)
We took off at a really fast pace, but I got a side cramp a few miles in (damn my pre-run snack! I should know better, Rule #76, no excuses! play like a champion!) Still managed just about 8 min miles though.

It's nice to run it faster than I did the 10k. I guess I have made progress in the last 2 months....If I'd run like that in the race, I would have won my age group.

Also did 2400 m in the pool last night, with a couple hard 100's.

My first Tri

Not that I was competing, but I SAW my very first triathlon this weekend Strawberry Fields in Oxnard, CA. How exciting. Even though we had to get up at a ridiculous hour to get there it was so worth it. One of my coaches and two of my teammates were competing, so it was a great opportunity to support them. Also to see our coach's INFAMOUS speed transitions (he's been known to beat professionals) and check out how the rest of the race really works. I think I was almost as nervous just watching the race as if I'd been in it myself!

The waves were pretty brutal for the swim section of this short course. It was good to see how the currents affect the direction of the swimmers, and the exit and entrance to the water. Luckily I won't have to deal with that in the Lake...whew. There IS a method to removing the swim cap goggles and wetsuit. The most important parts of T1 (the first transition) it seems was to 1. make sure you can get your damn wetsuit off and 2. be able to jump on your bike quickly. You can definitely separate the experienced riders from inexperienced at that stage. I was also shocked by the speed at which some riders come flying in, flip their leg over the seat and side dismount in stride. woooh. looks cool when they do it right. hmm what else, juston to the run I guess. Boy did everyone look tired by that point, but they pushed it hard through the finish line (I think it was a 3 mile run or so). Our coach and teammate did awesome, and I was so impressed by all 3 of them! I cannot believe that in just 4 short weeks that will be me crossing the finish line......

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Last week

Wow, I'm way behind.
Last week, I think I took both MOnday and Tuesday off (yikes!) I'm sure I had a good was a recovery week, so I can't be too hard on myself.
Wednesday I did a 5 mile run
Thursday was swim practice--not too hard, but we had a team outing to In N Out afterwards. I really don't like the burgers (and especially don't like the fries), but it was worth it to hang with the team.
Friday I rode my bike after work (it makes a nice office adornment during the day--and produces a lot of cycling enthused visitors). Did about 20 miles, but had to race home as the sun was setting--did I mention this is reason 1a I love California?!?!? the beach is amazing.
Saturday practice was another ocean swim. We did about 600 meters. Everything I learned from the coaches and practice in the pool goes completely to sh*t when I get in the open water for some reason--well for many reasons: 1) can't see the bottom 2) fear of sharks 3) waves 4) fear of sharks 5) how cold it is 6) fear of sharks. I keep suggesting instead of practicing "sighting" (or looking up every few strokes to a landmark to make sure you're going the right direction) we should pracice shark punching. eyes and gills, eyes and gills!

Monday, March 19, 2007

BIIIIG news!

Here ye! Here ye! Gather ye round!

I am officially OVER my fundraising goal!!! WOOOHOOO! Now just that little step left to finish the Tri. no biggie right???

9 miles last night was tougher than anticipated (forgot H20 and nutrition--when will I learn?!?!) Today was a much needed day off.

I think we're starting the pre-race taper....ahhhh!! only 1 month to go. Coach J said at the beginning of the season how when he was training people would ask him if he's ready, and he'd kinda freak out, but respond, "I don't have to be ready yet, the race isn't until xxDatexx" I'd been operating along those same lines, but it's right about now--dare I say it---I feel ready!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

It's not spin class!

Bike ride this morning--5x the hill at Hawthorne. I had to do the shorter workout on account of my week off due to injury (Coach made me) but it was still tough!
One thing I have to work on is riding easy--not like you learn to do in spin class. I had a lot of tips from Coach as he rode up next to me for the last hill. For some reason, he noticed, many of the women he's coached find that they need to work out hard (aka hurt) to be getting a good workout in, which is not true. I tend to ride up hills in hard gears and push harder, when I could be making it much easier for myself. Good thing to know and work on.

Back in Action!

hoooRAH! Had a really good week of training--I guess those days off don't hurt as much as I though.
6.5 mile run on Monday night,
Tuesday night swam about 2400 m at the pool,
Wednesday did about 7 miles in the morning before work
Thursday had practice at the pool (3x150s, 3 sets of 3x50's, 200-50-50, 150-50-50, 100-50-50, 50-50-50) the 50-50 parts were two hard 50's sandwiched by the longer distance. DId I forget a set? it seemed much harder than just 1800 m.

I was ready to have today off!

Big hill bike ride tomorrow morning, and then I'm going to get in a long ride or run on Sunday. People have started to ask me if I'm ready for the race, and I find myself quoting one of my coaches from earlier this season, "nope, but I don't have to be ready until April 22." To be honest, I think I actually am ready!! It's pretty much as good as it gets right now. I started to think about what I'm going to do after the weird it will be to not have swim practice on Thursday night, or to be able to go out Friday without thinking about how early I have to get up on practice on Saturday mornings. I think I will miss it too much if I stop entirely, so I'm going to pick one or two other events this summer to do. Make sure I feel justified in calling myself a triathlete.

Monday, March 12, 2007

uh OH!

Yikes! So here we are in crunch time and wouldn't it just figure I get sick!!! I haven't been sick since I moved to CA, but last week was rough. So I've had almost two weeks of "rest," followed by cross-training (aka 3 days of skiing at Snowbird/Alta Utah). I feel a little bit behind. My hope is to hit it hard this week and next with two big builds before we start our taper for the races. I hope this little break has not set me too far back. On the plus side of things, my fundraising thermometer is getting closer and closer to being full....

Monday, March 5, 2007

Hooked on a Feeling...

Sung by David Hasselhoff is the perfect blogging errr... *logging music. I am NOT a blogger (KRISTEN!!!)

I've had a tough two weeks of training. Not tough in that I've been running my legs into the ground and swimming my brains out, but tough in that I haven't been able to DO ANYTHING!!! It's a little nervewracking but I've had some bad luck. I pulled my groin muscle last week (yeowch) and then I came down with a cold--my first one since coming to California.

Also, starting a new job last week was a little extra pressure so I was very tired and had a hard time getting in good workouts. I managed to do a run Tuesday night and one Wednesday morning. We had a tough swim practice Thursday night (8x50, 4x100, 2x200, 4x100, 8x50 all timed).

Saturday morning was our first ocean swim! After spending about 30 mins just getting our wetsuits on (they're built for speed NOT comfort), we spent a while practicing getting into and out of the ocean. WHo knew you shouldn't use the patented Szolomayer high-legged gallop-and-dive-in-knee-deep-water?!?! Did a few laps around Coach as a buoy and back onto the beach. The water was about 57 degrees which I thought was warm--compared to boogie boarding at Coast Guard Beach down the Cape which rarely gets that warm.... SOmehow being in the ocean regressed my swimming technique to that "Tarzan" style the coaches used to make fun of me for in the beginning, but with a few more practices I think I'll get it. Plus Lake Meade won't be so choppy/salty/seaweedy/possibly shark infested.

I was active for the rest of the weekend (beach volleyball, bikeride before dinner, walk to get groceries) but couldn't really get another workout in due to my sickness. I'm giving myself tonight off too to get better and in hopes of shedding this cold. Going skiing this weekend so I'm going to try to keep up some workouts on top of that. No matter what I'm gonna be kicking my @$$ next week and really hittin it hard. ONly a few weeks of tough training left. I'm REALLY starting to get nervous.

That's all for now. "I can't stop this feelin' deep inside of me" -the Hoff

Friday, February 23, 2007

I'm really good at recovering. :)

Played a lot of soccer this week. Got in some time a la gymnasium and a 5 mile run and a 35 min swim. Recovery weeks are fun (and so necessary, I was pretty dead last week). Oooh I even had time to stop at TriLab to buy a pair of Tri-shorts. Hotness. I think I need to get new running shoes sometime soon too. These ones have gotten a lot of miles already.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


SO the end of Build Week 3. I was so exhausted I slept right through swim practice Thursday night! I missed my favorite night of the week!! Decided to use that as my day off and did a 7 mile (painful) run Friday morning. Note to self, do not decide to suddenly wear running shorts for a 7 mile run when you're used to wearing spandex---THERE WILL BE CHAFING!

Saturday morning was the BIG brick. Not sure the distances but somewhere around a 25 mile ride and a 6 mile run (practically the race distance). Thanks to one of my teammate's flat tire I got to do the switchbacks (steep cuts up the side of the PV hill) twice! The run was pretty brutal as it was getting HOT out--but who can complain about 75 degree weather in the middle of February?!?!? It made the rest of the day relaxing at the beach that much better.

I am ready for a recovery week next week that's for sure.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

10 MILES....WHA???

Made it 10.66 miles last night, with an 8:30 pace. Just figures that the ol' ipod gave out 20 mins into the ride.

Didn't shower cause I was up at 6 am for a 25 mile bike ride that I followed up with a short 12 min run. By that time I could barely move my legs, but at least I earned my Valentine's Day cheesecake! :)

--oh yeah Monday night I did a little less than 2000 meters in the pool. the jerks closed it on me, but i guess that's what i get for being so late--

Did I talk about our trip to the oncology ward at Miller's Children's Hospital last weekend yet? I need to do that.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Week-End Recap

Thursday night: Swam as usual ~ 2000 m in various sets (2x200, 3x200, 3x100, 3x50). Team outing to In-N-Out the quintessentially California fast food. (nothing like a team of triathletes chowing down on double-doubles!)

Friday: Night off!! Exhausted.

Saturday: 30 mile bike ride, flat up the "LA river" which is a creek in cement that smells of sewage/lowtide, wonderful

Sunday: AMGEN Charity Ride in Thousand Oaks. BEAUTIFUL! Once we found the course (only tiny arrows on the pavement marked the way) it was perfect. 28 miles includes the slight detour while we were lost. Had another one of those California moments when the sun was shining, 70 degrees (in February), riding next to horse ranches with the mountains in the background...straight out of a movie. If you told me 2 years ago that I'd be wearing spandex, riding my road bike through the hills of LA county I never would have believed it... I still sometimes don't ;)

Friday, February 9, 2007

From Mom

Hey Lau,

I read your blog tonight. I was behind on my email. I wanted to add this comment, but was afraid that you would hate it. I did want you to see it though and post it if you wanted.

As I read through your comments I noticed a slight similarity between your experience to what it could be like for someone who is fighting cancer. Although as an outsider, you appreciate and empathize and sympathize with their nightmare, it is always with them, you wake up and all is okay. They do not wake up without the uncertainty and fear of the next step and how it will turn out. But, they are brave and never stop fighting, and just like you, will not give in. You can tell them you are there for them, that you love them, that you will take care of them and help them, but it is a singular journey. These experiences increase your desire for life, for living and the enjoyment of every little, tiny moment of it and the realization of just how fragile life really is.

Love Mom

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

8.6 miles!

I think, and I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is the longest run I've done in my life. The best part didn't feel like it!! I cruised through the first 6 miles pretty easily.

8.66 miles/75 minutes = 8.66 min miles (what fun math!) or 8 min 40 s

Also, Monday night I managed 40 laps at the Belmont pool (= 2,000 m). Left my goggles and swimcap there as a donation, damn! After the 1.5 hour drive to get there after work, not sure when I'll be back to pick 'em up.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

10k Results are IN!!

Official Time 00:50:32 (-35 seconds by my watch for the time to cross the starting line) Pace 8:09 Place 571 overall, 6th in my division!!! (Female 19-24) --the winner only had 48:13, I wish I'd known she was so close!!
My goal was to do a reverse split, run the second half faster than the first. I came through the 3 mile mark with about 24.35 so I just barely improved on that. On the plus side, it felt like a hard workout and I wasn't pushing it knowing that I had a tough build week of training ahead and had a 5 mile run at practice the day before. I think I did alright though. Hopefully in a real race I could improve on this time--of course all I could think was "how the heck am I supposed to do this AFTER swimming a mile and biking 25?!?!"

Saturday, February 3, 2007

End of the Week Recap...

Swim Thursday night per usual. Somehow seemed a lot better--maybe cause I was *cough cough* home "sick" for the day and spent an afternoon getting my nails done, eating lunch, and lounging with my roommates.
Did a few hard sets and finished the night out with a relay--and yes I blew it in the last 1/2 lap, leaving myself and teammate Alan with a big L on our record....

Friday = a day of rest (Rest = dancing till 2 am in Santa Monica...whoops)

Saturday: 5 miles at Cal State Dominguez Hills took around 40 minutes

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Midnight Run

These late night workouts are brutal. Started my run after 10 pm, past the Catalina Boys house (stopped to reminisce on the fun times from the weekend, including my legendary "dive" onto the Journey star on the Hollywood walk of fame--picture coming soon), but then continued on 2.5 miles to hit the gym. 30 mins on the bike ( ~ 10 miles) and after some quick abs skidaddled back home the 2.5 miles in 21 minutes. It was actually 5.5 miles total (thanks so not too bad for a late night. Goal for tomorrow is to get the full workout in before midnight. Redondo Beach Superbowl 10k coming up this weekend. I hope I'm not too tired from the workouts this week.

Monday, January 29, 2007


Just got in from my run 5.8 miles. Not a great finish time (53 mins with a stop at the gym for H2O). Late night workouts are tough, but I'd much rather hang out with my roommates first!! It's totally fine though....since I'm scared of the dark, running from the shadows makes me faster!

So far...

Short, easy team run today at Manhattan Beach. 3.5 miles trying to keep the heart rate low. I think I like this “recovery week” thing. :) Next week we are supposed to work on taking in nutrition while running. So far I have mastered walking and chewing gum at the same time, so hopefully running and slurping down Goo won’t be too much harder.

1/22/07 I am looking forward to this Recovery week. Part of me wants to keep up the progress I’ve been making and just hit it hard with some long runs, but I’ll take the coaches’ word for it that I need this one. Considering I slept away the whole weekend, I think my bod needs a little rest. I feel asleep Friday, Saturday, and Sunday around 7 pm and slept through the night all three nights….

Did a 26 mi bike ride in Palos Verdes today. Went with a few Boeing guys, and they kicked my @$$!! We went up the back way to the switchbacks (up Hawthorne) which is a longer, more gradual hill. Just to make it fun they tacked on an additional hill at the end. I got beaten in sports by more middle age men than I care to admit this week. It especially made me feel better to learn that they did a second whole loop after.

Another brick today. 16 miles biking in PV then a 2x1.5 mile run loop through the neighborhoods, with a killer hill. I should’ve done it 3 times, but it was a good workout nonetheless. Definitely got busted for not drinking enough water! I only made it through one bottle and most of it was after I got back from my run. Paid for it the rest of the day with a massive headache.

Today we learned about transitions. (again, the mere mention of the race makes me so nervous!) The main rule is comfort versus speed and figuring out what you need to wear to feel good biking or running and then setting it up properly to make it easy for you. Ahhck! I’m getting nervous again just writing about what might happen on race day.

This was definitely the toughest week I’ve done yet. Did a slight alteration of the Redondo Beach 10k route on Monday night (6.4 miles, ~58 mins), a 7 miles run Tuesday night-~63 mins then a quick swim to work on technique, 1 hour of spin class then soccer on Wednesday, Thursday night swimming.

Lots of pressure tonight. I improved a lot last week so I wanted to make sure to keep it up. I had the first real “workout” from swimming this week. It was pretty tough. We did some warm up drills and then did (eek!) timed full lengths. It was either with a set rest time or with a set time to complete each. I can hardly believe I can do it. Not sure how many laps we got in.

Went running (7 miles) with a group that meets up at Village Runner in Redondo. The collective running experience of the people there was like 41282 marathons. It was nice to have a group to start out and end with, but since people go at many different paces, and stop at different points along the course, I was by myself for much of the time.

Light workout at the gym. Better than nothing.

Bike ride in PV 16-ish miles? I forget. It didn’t feel too hard, but it was soooooo cold! Clinic on what to wear during the triathlon. Everytime Coach mentions the race, I get chills. Hehe I’m going to be so nervous!

I had the BEST night of swimming tonight! I’m not quite sure what it was. Hahaha, finally it clicked. I think Coach Mike was pretty proud of me, and by “I think” I mean he told me he was. I did practice last night on the roof-top pool at Gold’s, but what really made it click today was getting my breathing in order. (haha and also having to carry the Styrofoam pool buoys between my legs to stop my from kicking about so wildly). Coach Mike spent some 1-on-1 time working on breathing out underwater and getting a breathing rhythm. That did it!

Well, I did it. At last. I sent out my letters. Basically since Christmas I had been having a lot of doubts about whether or not I wanted to continue training and so had put off doing my letters. I had two reasons for quitting, both closely linked. One was that I felt like I had started from a place so far out-of-shape that I would be disappointed by my performance in the end; that I might not even be able to do it in the end. The second was that I was going to be taking classes, changing jobs, and volunteering at the hospital and wouldn’t have enough time to dedicate myself enough to training to get me to the level of athleticism that I knew I would want. If I had 3 hours a day to train then I might be able to, but life was sort of getting in the way.
Several long talks with Coach Jeff and Coach Mike, plus some encouragement from my mentor Scott and I was back on track. Coach Mike reminded me that the sport of triathlon is a very humbling sport. Everyone has their challenges with it, and that is the is really the appeal. (Did I think this was going to be easy??) Supposedly, I am one of the better beginners (I guess I can deal with that). Coach Jeff also reminded me that I don’t have to be ready today. I still have a lot of time before the race, and in fact I won’t be ready until right there in April when the time comes. Plus, it’s my first time! No matter what it will be a success—come the endof the day April 22 I will be a triathlete. He too had to the most trouble with the swim, but got better with each progressive race he did. He related to some of my feelings about remembering past athletics where things came easy, and I might have been used to just “being good” at sports. It’s tough to not have that anymore, but again it is a great part of the challenge!! I felt better after all of this reassurance. Whew, thanks Coaches.

Completed my first “brick” practice today. A brick is when you do any combination of the three sports together, so for instance, today we did a double brick: a bike, run, bike, run. It was only a 6 mile bike ride and a 1.5 mile run, but it was the first time I’d tried both of them together. Nutrition clinic by Coach Jeff after practice. He gave us a lot of good number rules 55/30/15 carbs/protein/fat, water 5 oz every 15 minutes, eating ~ 2 hours before working out low GI foods, and higher GI foods while working out. The trick will be trying to keep up with them. It’s noticeably different how I have become more in tune with the nutritional needs of my body since working out hard. It’s actually pretty nice.

I had the worst night of swimming tonight. I’m not quite sure what it was. Maybe a hard day at work?? UGH! I’m so frustrated I felt like crying—I almost did….I am having a lot of doubts about whether or not I am going to be able to do this.

Back in action. Running hard down by the beach. I was worried Christmas break would set me back a lot but I’m still feeling good. Maybe a little R&R was just what I needed.

I managed to keep up my workouts over Christmas a little bit. It was sooooo freezing! It just figures it’s 60 degrees in Boston every day until Christmas then drops to freezing temperatures precisely the moment I step outside to go for a run. Each breath was like instant bronchitis. With 3 days of skiing and 3 runs I think that’s pretty good considering it’s the holidays. I even managed to get Kristen out for a run one of the days. Kinda gross cause she wore my spandex but it was nice to have the company.

Merry Christmas! We got a Christmas card from some family friends. On it was a picture of both their daughters, one the college gymnast had just a few inches of hair that had grown back from her chemotherapy. She was diagnosed with Leukemia last year and her family spent the year trying to get her medical treatments while she attempted to continue as best she could in school. It was my favorite card, as the young girl’s cancer is in remission and she’s working on getting in shape for gymnastics again. It wasn’t until I started training and fundraising for LLS that the miracle of this could really hit me.

Today was a fantastic day! (not weather-wise unfortunately) but a great day for TnT. We had a team run at CSU Domingues Hills, which surprisingly are not hilly at all, followed by an Honored Teammate brunch at Rebecca’s house. Mentor, Mike Roberts was cooking up his famous chocolate chip waffles, and we enjoyed mimosas, chicken sausage, eggs, fruit, and laughter with our teammates. This day was all about Connection to the Cause so my teammates brought pictures of those whose honor/memory they are competing for. Our Honored Teammate Ciana attended the brunch with her mom. Its wonderful to see her, as her cancer has been in remission for several years and she’s now just a normal teenager. I wish anyone diagnosed with any of the blood diseases could be so lucky. My teammates have amazing stories and reasons for why they are competing. Today I felt so lucky to be a part of this organization.

I asked mom about our connection to cancer cause I thought it was funny that no one in our family had been diagnosed it. As she rattled off the relatives, many of whom I was too young at the time of their death to even remember, my jaw dropped. I didn’t realize Gandma Szolomayer, Aunt Kay, Grandpa Szolomayer, Grandpa Kohn, Aunt Helen, various other Uncles and Aunts I never even knew. I guess I had never realized it.

Note to self: REI fundraising not really worth it. I brought two tons of wrapping paper and ended up making about $15.

SO practicing actually does make you better…who knew?? I was able to get in two swims this week before our team practice on Thursday night, and I think it is starting to show. Maybe. Or maybe Coach Mike is just being nice (more probable) but I’m at least feeling a little more comfortable in the water.

I don’t know what I did the other night—well actually I do it was 6 set of stairs down by the beach—but my calves are killing me!! I can barely move them when I wake up, but I’ve kept running and swimming, soaking them in the hot tub, and hitting up the cold-warm (generic Icy-Hot) and they’ve been getting better. Note to self: stretch out after your runs you idiot!

Worked out every day this week. Pretty sweet. GO ME!

One thing I hate about “winter:” I got up one morning to go before work and decided to wait until the sun came up before I went. Next thing I know I’m late for work. Whoops. Looks like after work workouts are the only way to go for a while.

Never again will I swim at the Bally’s in Torrance. I think I might get diseased from being in that pool. I’m not kidding. It was soooo grimey. Melissa (my roommate) and I tried it out cause they are one of the few local gyms with a Boeing discount that has a pool. The clientele was like a scene from Deliverance and I’m just praying they shock the pool with a hell of a lot of chlorine. Worth it to get a practice in but I’m definitely looking elsewhere.

Running seems to be getting a bit easier. It’s a big help that Jeremy waits till after work—which is always LATE-- to go with me. The neighborhood is perfectly safe, but I just feel better going with someone else. We’ve been doing loops down by the beach and the piers which are pretty good, and have been kicking up the mileage/time. We do anywhere from 3.5 to 5 miles. We’ve both agreed to run the Redondo Beach 10k in February. I did this race last year and it was tons of fun.

ow Ow OWWW! Made it from Manhattan Beach to Pepperdine in Malibu and back, 50 miles total. And I think I might be dead. For a good three hours I had to lie on the living room floor and just not move. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to sit again. I didn’t quite realize how far we were going when Joe said it was time for a long flat ride North instead of our usually hilly ride through PV. OW. The way up was wonderful, I couldn’t imagine a more perfect morning. It must have been 75 degrees with a cool ocean breeze all the way up the coast—and IT’S DECEMBER!! Days like these make me really love it in California. The winde definitely picked up in Malibu and we rode on a major highway at a 45 degree angle in order to make it. I was behind the two boys for much of the way—I’m not quite comfortable drafting yet, so I was working hard the whole time. The way there was beautiful and we had a pleasant rest on the grass at Pepperdine, but shortly into the ride home I began regretting giving up my granola bar and was really feeling dehydrate/in need of nutrition. What I wouldn’t have done for a powerbar! By the end of Santa Monica that was it! I was done! Overheard: “ I’m just not going to pedal anymore” Lo and behold I made it home –with help of the ol’ sing-your-favorite-song-out-loud-so-you-stop-thinking-about-the-pain-in-your-crotch-and-keep-pedaling trick lead by Joe. After 4 hours we were back in MB and our post-ride bagels (following the post ride Thanksgiving leftover feast) never tasted so good.

Team bike ride at El Dorado State Park. Note to self (and Scott my mentor/carpooler) PRINT DIRECTIONS! Dad came to the rescue reading them over the phone (cause who else is up at 7:45 am PST??) and deciphering from the map where we were. Thanks Dad! Rode about 14 miles. It was pretty easy cause the course was totally flat.

So last night was the first swim practice, and oh dear I’m not sure I knew what I was getting myself into. I’m not sure how—after 23 years of every summer at the beach—I can be such an absurdly awkward, horrible swimmer. I guess “racing out to the buoys” and the little kicking to fight the waves boogie boarding doesn’t count as the kind of technique you want to use when doing any real life swimming, because my style is definitely not right. I’ve got a lot of practicing to do.
Last night was about one of the coldest nights we’ve had here in California this fall (it actually went below 50 degrees!) I know, I know shouldn’t seem cold to someone who is most used to swimming in water that cold, but you’d be surprised how quickly I acclimated to the mild weather out here. The “cold” weather did help because it reduced the number of teammates who came to practice meaning we had a lot of 1 on 1 coaching time. Perfect for my first night!!
I am amazed at our coaches patience…truly. I not only belonged in the beginner group, but the remedial beginner…I couldn’t even manage to kick right (apparently from the hips and NOT bending my knees so much) or get my head deep enough in the water. It’s also great that the only other time I donned my red bathing suit was to play Pamela Anderson for Halloween! Mike (one of the coaches) had a nice video phone that he was able to take video of us and show us what we were doing right and wrong (mostly the latter) in real-time! See how technologically advanced we are!

I feel a little bad tonight because I didn’t go workout. I had every intention of doing it. I have my running pants on and everything as I type (everything including my new cycling gloves which is a TAD bit awkward to say the least), but I just can’t manage to get out the door. Plus it’s already 10:30 which I feel like is a little late to take to the streets alone. No worries though. We have cycling practice down in Long Beach early tomorrow morning so I’ll be getting a good workout in a few hours anyhow. Gotta get to bed and be up early for the Team ride in Long Beach tomorrow. It will be my first ride on my new bike, which by the way still remains nameless. Gotta work on that one.
Till later!

My first official Team in Training Practice. The team’s first bike ride in the hills of Palos Verdes and my first realization that I have no way to get my bike there in the mornings…DOH! I am borrowing a bike “Ol’ Blue” from my friend Joe. That’s the bike I have been riding on several times with him and was in fact my very first time on a road bike a few months ago. I do have my own bike, but I don’t have cleats for my shoes that match it’s current pedals, and when I say, “my shoes” I mean the ones that Joe lets me borrow because I don’t have my own yet. That’s next on my list. Being the genius that I am I thought it was a good idea to just ride Ol’ Blue up to PV from Joe’s house in Manhattan Beach at 7 a.m. to make it to our practice at 7:45. Hah! Fat chance! Of course I got up late, and of course it took a really long time to get there and I arrived huffing and puffing up the hill just as the two groups were pulling away. Oh well, I got my workout in on the way there and back* and it gave me a good chance to meet and talk with Kate, our team manager. I am very excited I started to do this and just have to wait for all these other current commitments to settle down (after Thanksgiving) to get into training hard and raising lots of $$. In 5 months I will be a triathlete J

Can we just talk about the way back for a minute? I RACED like a madwoman from PV to Manhattan Beach—a 40 minute ride—because meanwhile my carpool was already ready to leave for Long Beach Aquarium where we were to attend a Boeing volunteer recognition event and I was to accept my raffle prize-12 tickets in the company box at the Lakers game!! Needless to say I missed the carpool, drove myself, and raced in with still wet hair from the shower, just in time to step on stage, shake hands and collect the tickets. WHEW! Is this really my life?!?