Monday, March 19, 2007

BIIIIG news!

Here ye! Here ye! Gather ye round!

I am officially OVER my fundraising goal!!! WOOOHOOO! Now just that little step left to finish the Tri. no biggie right???

9 miles last night was tougher than anticipated (forgot H20 and nutrition--when will I learn?!?!) Today was a much needed day off.

I think we're starting the pre-race taper....ahhhh!! only 1 month to go. Coach J said at the beginning of the season how when he was training people would ask him if he's ready, and he'd kinda freak out, but respond, "I don't have to be ready yet, the race isn't until xxDatexx" I'd been operating along those same lines, but it's right about now--dare I say it---I feel ready!

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