Friday, March 30, 2007

It's Friday, I'm

SO tired!

The swim on Monday seemed so far
Tuesday, Wednesday ran so hard
Thursday didn't even stop,
It's Friday.... I'm so tired.

Saturday's the same
and Sunday even if it rains
but Friday---I need to rest.

(to the tune of Friday I'm in Love" as sung by the Cure)
(the last line doesn't actually work)

Last night: Did 500m +10x100m at 2 mins + 400m at the pool.
Wednesday: 27 mile bike ride + 15 minute run

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Running Buddy

is so necessary. Particularly one who's really good! We did about 6 (5.82) miles tonight in 47.5 mins. Not sure where we cut the 10k route short (by about .32 miles), and it certainly wasn't intentional. I'll make sure to tack that much on to the next one :)
We took off at a really fast pace, but I got a side cramp a few miles in (damn my pre-run snack! I should know better, Rule #76, no excuses! play like a champion!) Still managed just about 8 min miles though.

It's nice to run it faster than I did the 10k. I guess I have made progress in the last 2 months....If I'd run like that in the race, I would have won my age group.

Also did 2400 m in the pool last night, with a couple hard 100's.

My first Tri

Not that I was competing, but I SAW my very first triathlon this weekend Strawberry Fields in Oxnard, CA. How exciting. Even though we had to get up at a ridiculous hour to get there it was so worth it. One of my coaches and two of my teammates were competing, so it was a great opportunity to support them. Also to see our coach's INFAMOUS speed transitions (he's been known to beat professionals) and check out how the rest of the race really works. I think I was almost as nervous just watching the race as if I'd been in it myself!

The waves were pretty brutal for the swim section of this short course. It was good to see how the currents affect the direction of the swimmers, and the exit and entrance to the water. Luckily I won't have to deal with that in the Lake...whew. There IS a method to removing the swim cap goggles and wetsuit. The most important parts of T1 (the first transition) it seems was to 1. make sure you can get your damn wetsuit off and 2. be able to jump on your bike quickly. You can definitely separate the experienced riders from inexperienced at that stage. I was also shocked by the speed at which some riders come flying in, flip their leg over the seat and side dismount in stride. woooh. looks cool when they do it right. hmm what else, juston to the run I guess. Boy did everyone look tired by that point, but they pushed it hard through the finish line (I think it was a 3 mile run or so). Our coach and teammate did awesome, and I was so impressed by all 3 of them! I cannot believe that in just 4 short weeks that will be me crossing the finish line......

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Last week

Wow, I'm way behind.
Last week, I think I took both MOnday and Tuesday off (yikes!) I'm sure I had a good was a recovery week, so I can't be too hard on myself.
Wednesday I did a 5 mile run
Thursday was swim practice--not too hard, but we had a team outing to In N Out afterwards. I really don't like the burgers (and especially don't like the fries), but it was worth it to hang with the team.
Friday I rode my bike after work (it makes a nice office adornment during the day--and produces a lot of cycling enthused visitors). Did about 20 miles, but had to race home as the sun was setting--did I mention this is reason 1a I love California?!?!? the beach is amazing.
Saturday practice was another ocean swim. We did about 600 meters. Everything I learned from the coaches and practice in the pool goes completely to sh*t when I get in the open water for some reason--well for many reasons: 1) can't see the bottom 2) fear of sharks 3) waves 4) fear of sharks 5) how cold it is 6) fear of sharks. I keep suggesting instead of practicing "sighting" (or looking up every few strokes to a landmark to make sure you're going the right direction) we should pracice shark punching. eyes and gills, eyes and gills!

Monday, March 19, 2007

BIIIIG news!

Here ye! Here ye! Gather ye round!

I am officially OVER my fundraising goal!!! WOOOHOOO! Now just that little step left to finish the Tri. no biggie right???

9 miles last night was tougher than anticipated (forgot H20 and nutrition--when will I learn?!?!) Today was a much needed day off.

I think we're starting the pre-race taper....ahhhh!! only 1 month to go. Coach J said at the beginning of the season how when he was training people would ask him if he's ready, and he'd kinda freak out, but respond, "I don't have to be ready yet, the race isn't until xxDatexx" I'd been operating along those same lines, but it's right about now--dare I say it---I feel ready!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

It's not spin class!

Bike ride this morning--5x the hill at Hawthorne. I had to do the shorter workout on account of my week off due to injury (Coach made me) but it was still tough!
One thing I have to work on is riding easy--not like you learn to do in spin class. I had a lot of tips from Coach as he rode up next to me for the last hill. For some reason, he noticed, many of the women he's coached find that they need to work out hard (aka hurt) to be getting a good workout in, which is not true. I tend to ride up hills in hard gears and push harder, when I could be making it much easier for myself. Good thing to know and work on.

Back in Action!

hoooRAH! Had a really good week of training--I guess those days off don't hurt as much as I though.
6.5 mile run on Monday night,
Tuesday night swam about 2400 m at the pool,
Wednesday did about 7 miles in the morning before work
Thursday had practice at the pool (3x150s, 3 sets of 3x50's, 200-50-50, 150-50-50, 100-50-50, 50-50-50) the 50-50 parts were two hard 50's sandwiched by the longer distance. DId I forget a set? it seemed much harder than just 1800 m.

I was ready to have today off!

Big hill bike ride tomorrow morning, and then I'm going to get in a long ride or run on Sunday. People have started to ask me if I'm ready for the race, and I find myself quoting one of my coaches from earlier this season, "nope, but I don't have to be ready until April 22." To be honest, I think I actually am ready!! It's pretty much as good as it gets right now. I started to think about what I'm going to do after the weird it will be to not have swim practice on Thursday night, or to be able to go out Friday without thinking about how early I have to get up on practice on Saturday mornings. I think I will miss it too much if I stop entirely, so I'm going to pick one or two other events this summer to do. Make sure I feel justified in calling myself a triathlete.

Monday, March 12, 2007

uh OH!

Yikes! So here we are in crunch time and wouldn't it just figure I get sick!!! I haven't been sick since I moved to CA, but last week was rough. So I've had almost two weeks of "rest," followed by cross-training (aka 3 days of skiing at Snowbird/Alta Utah). I feel a little bit behind. My hope is to hit it hard this week and next with two big builds before we start our taper for the races. I hope this little break has not set me too far back. On the plus side of things, my fundraising thermometer is getting closer and closer to being full....

Monday, March 5, 2007

Hooked on a Feeling...

Sung by David Hasselhoff is the perfect blogging errr... *logging music. I am NOT a blogger (KRISTEN!!!)

I've had a tough two weeks of training. Not tough in that I've been running my legs into the ground and swimming my brains out, but tough in that I haven't been able to DO ANYTHING!!! It's a little nervewracking but I've had some bad luck. I pulled my groin muscle last week (yeowch) and then I came down with a cold--my first one since coming to California.

Also, starting a new job last week was a little extra pressure so I was very tired and had a hard time getting in good workouts. I managed to do a run Tuesday night and one Wednesday morning. We had a tough swim practice Thursday night (8x50, 4x100, 2x200, 4x100, 8x50 all timed).

Saturday morning was our first ocean swim! After spending about 30 mins just getting our wetsuits on (they're built for speed NOT comfort), we spent a while practicing getting into and out of the ocean. WHo knew you shouldn't use the patented Szolomayer high-legged gallop-and-dive-in-knee-deep-water?!?! Did a few laps around Coach as a buoy and back onto the beach. The water was about 57 degrees which I thought was warm--compared to boogie boarding at Coast Guard Beach down the Cape which rarely gets that warm.... SOmehow being in the ocean regressed my swimming technique to that "Tarzan" style the coaches used to make fun of me for in the beginning, but with a few more practices I think I'll get it. Plus Lake Meade won't be so choppy/salty/seaweedy/possibly shark infested.

I was active for the rest of the weekend (beach volleyball, bikeride before dinner, walk to get groceries) but couldn't really get another workout in due to my sickness. I'm giving myself tonight off too to get better and in hopes of shedding this cold. Going skiing this weekend so I'm going to try to keep up some workouts on top of that. No matter what I'm gonna be kicking my @$$ next week and really hittin it hard. ONly a few weeks of tough training left. I'm REALLY starting to get nervous.

That's all for now. "I can't stop this feelin' deep inside of me" -the Hoff